Increasing, Decreasing
Pattern Software
Beadwork Stitch Tutorials
Crochet Beadwork
Increasing, Decreasing
Blank Graphs
Tips, Tricks, Techniques
Free Patterns Index
Bead Tray Instructions
Bead & Thread Information
Flat Beadcap
Chain - 3, 5 & 7-bead Loops
Brick Stitch - Decreasing (beadjewelrymaking)
Brick Stitch - Increasing (beadjewelrymaking)
Brick Stitch - Increasing & Decreasing (kimberlychapman)
Peyote - Decrease Outside Edge (beadjewelrymaking)
Peyote - Decrease in the Middle (beadjewelrymaking)
Peyote Even Count - Increase 1 Column (beadcave)
Peyote Even Count - Increase 2 Columns (beadcave)
Peyote Odd Count - Increase 1 Column (beadcave)
Peyote Odd Count - Increase 2 Columns (beadcave)
Peyote - Gradual Decrease (Bead&Button)
Peyote - Gradual Increase (Bead&Button)
Peyote - Increase - Rapid (Bead&Button)
Peyote - Decrease - Rapid (Bead&Button)
RAW - Decreasing Inside and at Outside edge (beadjewelerymaking)
RAW - Increasing - Inside and at Edges (beadjewelerymaking)
Square - Decreasing (beadjewelrymaking)
Square - Increasing (beadjewelrymaking)