Fringes - Free Patterns
Pattern Software
Beadwork Stitch Tutorials
Crochet Beadwork
Increasing, Decreasing
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Tips, Tricks, Techniques
Free Patterns Index
Bead Tray Instructions
Bead & Thread Information
Flat Beadcap
Chain - 3, 5 & 7-bead Loops
Angled Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
Beaded Purses with Fringes (tri-stateantiques)
Belly Dance Fringes (besaddi)
Celtic Fringe 1 (eaglespirit)
Celtic Fringe 2 (celticreations)
Celtic Fringe 3 (celticreations)
Circle Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
Coralling - Branching (shema)
Coralling - Branchine (craftbits)
Drops - Variations -Click on 'Agur brodery.jpg'
Fringe Loops - Click on 'Nizanie s nalogeniem..>'
Fringes - 7 Designs (auntmollys)
Fringes (ladylorraine)
Fringes - Russian Variations (shema)
Fringes (tri-stateantiques)
Graduated Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
Leafy Vine Fringe (
Looped Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
Pattern for Fringe - with examples (polarbeads)
Straight Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
Twisted Fringe (
Twisted Fringe (suzannecooper)
U Shaped Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
V Shaped Fringe (guidetobeadwork)
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